I am a human, and . . .
Health & Happiness
This group of my posts (articles) is about health and happiness, including building confidence and resilience, managing daily stresses, regulating emotions, establishing effective relationships, handling criticism, and problem-solving.
Health and happiness are crucial aspects of a successful and fulfilling life. They significantly impact our overall well-being, allowing us to live our lives to the fullest, to enjoy our experiences, and to contribute positively to our community. Research has shown that happy people tend to be healthier, while good health can contribute to increased happiness, creating a positive upward spiral.
I welcome your comments and questions about the topics on this website. Please use the contact form provided.

Social Relationships: The Power of Weak Ties
If you've been a victim of people with DT traits, you may feel that something is wrong with you and that if you were more careful, intelligent, bright, and competent or just did the right things, the situation would be better. You end up feeling like it's all your fault, which can cause guilt, depression, self-loathing or other self-destructive feelings. They don't see anything wrong with their conduct and behaviour. The fact that you, the victim, are so upset or feel terrible is simply proof that you're wrong and they are right.

Dealing with Dark Triad Disposition
If you've been a victim of people with DT traits, you may feel that something is wrong with you and that if you were more careful, intelligent, bright, and competent or just did the right things, the situation would be better. You end up feeling like it's all your fault, which can cause guilt, depression, self-loathing or other self-destructive feelings. They don't see anything wrong with their conduct and behaviour. The fact that you, the victim, are so upset or feel terrible is simply proof that you're wrong and they are right.

Unemployed and Feeling Defeated?
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by uncertainty about how your finances will recover or when you can find work. It’s important to know we’re not alone; thousands of other people face the same insecurities nowadays. Here are some guidelines that could help you cope with the stress of losing a job and dealing with an uncertain future.

Conversational Receptiveness
Research has found that if our language shows that we're open to other’s perspectives, they are more likely to be open to ours. Conversational receptiveness stems from open-mindedness (being receptive to new ideas, even if they conflict with ours), perspective-taking (trying to understand a situation from another person's point of view), and intellectual humility (recognising the limits of our knowledge and being open to revising our beliefs).

What Have You Done Today?
Pride is a very positive and uplifting feeling. Others can be proud of us, and we can be proud of ourselves. However, being proud of ourselves seems somewhat elusive these days. It can also feel uncomfortable, fake, boastful or selfish. Recognising other people's positive qualities and accomplishments is often easier than our own. It's good to practice seeing our own strengths, even simple ones like finishing an everyday task or cooking a good meal.

Self-Confidence and Assertiveness
To be assertive is to firmly state an opinion, claim a right or establish our authority with resolute determination and strength of character. When we assert ourselves, we behave in a way that expresses our confidence, importance or autonomy and earns us respect from others.

Positive Aging
Life expectancy has improved considerably during the past few decades, and increasingly, more people look forward to twenty years or more of life after retirement. However, . .

Hope and Optimism
In 1965, Martin Seligman and his research colleagues discovered “learned helplessness.” They found that when animals are subjected to difficult situations that they cannot control, they stop trying and become hopeless and passive.

Emotional Blackmail
Emotional Blackmail (domestic abuse, domestic violence or gaslighting), although manipulative and deceptive, is usually very close. Because unfortunately, it is a partner, a parent, one of our children, a sibling, a friend or a colleague who turns out to be the emotional blackmailer.

Growth Mindset Vs Fixed Mindset
Why do some people avoid challenges and languish when faced with difficulties, while others thrive and achieve their true potential? Our mindset is our perceptions or beliefs about our abilities and qualities.